Our Cushion Flow Bean Ladders are made with durable heavy duty rubber belting, and reduce cracking, dust, noise, splitting, bruising – reducing dockage and to help prevent germination loss for seed.
We offer configurations allowing for 665 to 4800 BPH flow and specialize in building custom sizes and lengths (up to 40ft) of gentle bean handling equipment to meet your needs!
Besides reduced handling damages, our system is easy to install in existing bins, and can later be removed/moved to another bin if desired. This product can be custom built for you and shipped via UPS to anywhere in the US.
Lorrich recommends roof stiffeners and roof vents to be used in bins setup with bean ladders.
Cushion Flow model CF240 (24″) is rated at 2880 CWT/hr on Pinto Beans & 4800 bu/hr on Soybeans. The table below shows additional models.
We have been manufacturing our patented design since 2010 in our facility in North Dakota, USA.
These may also be termed “let down ladders”, or “pellet ladders”.